Even without experiencing any symptoms, some vascular conditions can still be life-threatening.
You may be due for a non-invasive screening ultrasound study.
Know the 6 common risk factors and when to be screened for vascular disease.
Did you know that smoking is the single greatest risk factor for developing peripheral arterial disease. Some studies have shown a 30-50% increased risk of PAD in smokers.
Over time, high blood pressure can cause harm to the walls of blood vessels leading to hardening and narrowing. It is also a known risk factor for aneurysm formation.
When circulating levels of cholesterol are elevated, this can lead to atherosclerosis or hardening/narrowing of the arteries. This can slow down or prevent blood flow.
Diabetes is a major risk factor for developing arterial disease to the legs. Some studies have shown one in three diabetics over the age of 50 have PAD.